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Track Your International Wire Transfer

GPI Tracker For Cross-Border Money Transfers

Tracking You International Wire Transfer

Yes. Internation wire transfers are usually sent via SWIFT payment messaging system. Sender of the wire can ask his bank to provide GPI tracking. Sometimes bank is not part of GPI network. So you can ask to provide payment reference number or UETR and try it here.

Normally it takes 1-3 days. If you do not receive it in 3 days, it means it is on the manual review. Compliance officers are very busy now, so it can take a while, up to 2 months. Sender of the SWIFT can initiate investigation in his bank to speed up the process.

SWIFT wire transfer is sent within MT103 form. It does have a field 20 which is usually called sender's reference. Each bank in the chain assigns their own reference, so UETR code is more universal.

A Unique End-to-end Transaction Reference (commonly known as a UETR) is a string of 36 unique characters featured in all payment instruction messages carried over Swift. The format of UETR is XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX. Sometimes you can see it in MT103 form, sometimes not. Sender always can ask his bank to provide UETR code of SWIFT transfer.